April 21, 2022
What's Your Beauty: The Life of a Living Mermaid
For us, beauty is something very deep and personal. We believe in the beauty of a moment where you discovered yourself, an item shared between generations, a walk on the beach. We want to see the beauty that you see in the world, those beautiful things unique to your experience and point of view. The beautiful things you notice. We believe that learning someone else's beauty is the best way to really see them - and what's more beautiful than that?
We reached out to Victoria Persephone, a living mermaid and underwater model for Tresor De La Mer, to share her beauty story and gain insight into her life from her most beloved memories to her favorite products and more.
Siia Cosmetics: Tell us about a moment or memory that is most beautiful to you.
Victoria: The first time I visited a Florida spring leaps to mind when I think of a beautiful memory. It was in July of 2020. A friend took me at my request - he had been posting such beautiful pictures on social media that I, an indoorsy city girl, worked up a ton of nerve to ask him to take me with him. He is an experienced freediver, something I knew nothing about until then. I remember being stunned by so much that day - the super early roll call, the amount of preparation and equipment involved with his diving endeavours, and ultimately, the ethereal natural spring and its woodsy surroundings. It was deserted for most of the day because of a light rain from the morning. We swam with the fish; I had never swam with fish before. I kayaked, which I'd also never done until then. Then manatees swam beneath my kayak, and I was shocked by how big they were. I remember feeling like I'd stepped outside of my regular life for a while, and it was exhilarating. My shoulders got sunburned and I didn't even care, everything was so magical and sweet. The day lasted forever, we got back super late, and everything seemed surreal. I was so grateful he showed me part of his world. I knew I wanted to do it again, and then again after that.
Siia Cosmetics: When do you feel most beautiful?
Victoria: I am most beautiful when I'm creating art, whether it's working on the portraits for Trésor de la Mer, or doing my ballet workout, or painting, or drawing, or decorating my home. Being creative awakens my mind and my heart; it evokes a hyperawareness of everything magical about our world. The time without it is just sort of a weird fog, so I'm always looking for new projects to clear the fog. A newer part of my creative process is being a mermaid. I love being under the water, in the underworld, swimming among the shimmering fish and plant life. I can't see well beneath the surface without my contact lenses, but my photographer Brandon is an experienced freediver, scuba diver, & lifeguard, and he always ensures my safety. I could never make the Trésor de la Mer project happen without his masterful skills and commitment to the crafts of diving and photography. He has precise knowledge of the best places to shoot at the different springs and tons of ideas to explore at our sessions.
Siia Cosmetics: Who is your biggest beauty influence and why?
Victoria: This question can be answered so many different ways. But beauty isn't solely about makeup, it's about who you are as a person, so my biggest beauty influence is Mariska Hargitay. She has raised so much awareness for sexual assault with her work on SVU. She has maintained an epic commitment to that program when she's probably in a position to just walk away and do something else, or maybe do nothing and buy a private island. It warms my heart to see her continue with that commitment year after year. She is an actress playing a part, but she's also a role model and a leader. She cares, and caring for other people [and animals!] is what makes the human experience worthwhile.
Siia Cosmetics: What makeup product or technique makes you feel most beautiful?
Victoria: I love makeup without phenoxyethanol - it's a preservative in a lot of products that causes skin irritation. I developed an allergy to it a few years back and it was a nightmare. It caused horrible, painful eczema. It's an unnecessary preservative too, since not all makeup, skincare, and haircare products use it. Why use it at all? Phenoxyethanol-free products are my favourites. The Siia makeup setting spray is an essential for all the underwater modeling; it really helps my makeup last when I'm spending several hours a day underwater. I love bold colours, shimmers, glitter, dramatic smoky makeup looks. I like making a statement with my makeup. Comedian Tom Papa once joked that makeup is a never ending art project, but he's right, it is, and if you love being an artist, makeup is an amazing outlet for that. (Victoria also loved our Duo Maestro Mascara, a dual brush waterproof formula that stays in place while also conditioning your lashes!)
Siia Cosmetics: What advice would you give to others regarding life and beauty?
Victoria: I think it's important to figure out who you are. I always knew who I was, from the time I was a small child. Some people don't figure it out till much later. I always knew I was an artist, and if you're an artist, you're going to feel your feelings way too deeply, and it's going to hurt sometimes. But if that's who you are, be that. Care deeply for that man, even if he doesn't know how to handle it. Pet ALL of the cats. Find the time to text back. Walk away from the mockery when people don't understand who you are. And for beauty, wear what you want to wear, be with who you want to be with. Life is way too short to constantly conform to standards you don't agree with. Ultimately, find a way to do whatever it is you feel like you should be doing, as long as you're not hurting anyone in the process.
Siia Cosmetics: And finally, What’s Your Beauty?
Victoria: My beauty lies in the colours of my heart.
Interested in knowing more about Victoria Persephone?
Follow her on Instagram: @tresordelamer666
Mermaid Photography: @branjake , @brandonunderwaterphoto
Interested in sharing your What's Your Beauty Story?
email us at hello@siiacosmetics.com or Follow This Link to our What's Your Beauty page and we will be in contact!
For us, beauty is something very deep and personal. We believe in the beauty of a moment where you discovered yourself, an item shared between generations, a walk on the beach. We want to see the beauty that you see in the world, those beautiful things unique to your experience and point of view. The beautiful things you notice. We believe that learning someone else's beauty is the best way to really see them - and what's more beautiful than that?